Why Animated Whiteboard Videos Are So Pro-Education

by norm on Feb 21, 2018 Categories: animated whiteboard videos (2392 Views)

Perhaps the best way to get your message across to your audience is to create an animated whiteboard video. This is because videos in themselves are an idealistic way to express complex ideas in a way that makes them memorable. There’s just something about the animated whiteboard videos that drives them to become more memorable for the viewer.

This is why animated whiteboard videos are very effective in making an impact when used in just about any sector, especially education. It’s an effective way to impart knowledge to your audience in a captivating manner. You can spread awareness or your message by telling a great story with catchy phrases to drive the underlying message home.

Why So Effective

Whiteboard animation videos help people recall information easily because they received it in a very compelling way. Having a story line in the video helps with the recall as it makes the video entertaining and informative to watch. There’s an influx of ideas that are easy to grasp because of the humor thrown in. This is why you can deliver information in explainer videos smoothly and efficiently through animated whiteboard videos.

How they Work

Animated whiteboard videos have many of the same elements that were used by our teachers back in school. It was here that marketing professionals for business borrowed the concepts and expanded them for making their messages more impactful and meaningful.

The information is transmitted to the brain as audiovisuals so the brain makes greater connections to remember the information contained in the videos. Only audio information serves to retain just half of the information, while 80% of “just visual” information is retained according to studies done. It’s is found that three-quarters of the information is retained when the two are combined.

Use of Animated Whiteboard Videos

1.      Public Education

When you need to spread awareness about a cause or something along the same lines, animated whiteboard videos might be the best option that you have. This is because your audience will be greatly engaged in what you have to say to them. The message that you are trying to deliver will also be more effective as explainer videos have a greater retention rate.

What’s more, you can even spread your video across social media platforms where people will be able to watch and get benefitted from your message and may be able to help out with your cause.

2.      Campaigning

Speaking of causes, you can also use animated whiteboard videos to make a greater impact on your campaign. With these kind of videos, you will be able to portray your message, even if it is complex, in a way that people will easily understand. If they deem it a worthy cause, they’ll be motivated to contribute to your efforts with their finances and by volunteering their time.

It helps people understand complex issues in the society that you’ve bought up with your video.

If you would like an animated whiteboard video made, please contact us at XYZ Creative Group.

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