How Visual Effects Influence the Box Office?

by Norman on Nov 17, 2015 (46247 Views)

Avatar grossed $760 Million
Titanic grossed $637 Million
The Avengers grossed $616 Million
The Dark Knight grossed $533 Million
Star Wars grossed $460 Million

What do you think all of these box office toppers have in common? If you said visual effects, you are right on the money. All of these five movies focused on the use of visual effects--some more than others--to tell the story of the film. What do the numbers signify? The numbers signify an important revelation of using the art of visual effects to entice audiences to see the film in theater.

Visual Effects Has Carved a Niche for Itself in the Movie Industry

Filmmakers want to provide the moviegoer with a realistic and surreal experience. Now, entire movies are made using visual effects or some parts of the movie use visual effects to increase the impact of a certain scene. When you watch a movie packed with creatively positioned visual effects, you feel as if you are part of it.

The scenes and the situation the main characters are in come to life. In the coming years, the visual effects technology will continue to undergo changes and advancements. The movie industry already has green screen and artificial intelligent systems to make the movies appear more real. In fact, look up the films released in theaters right now. Most include computer generated imagery.

Are Visual Effects Really Behind the Success of Movies?

From the profits made by Avatar and Titanic, you can tell that the addition of visual effects played a critical role in their success. It just made the whole movie experience better and more exciting. However, the use of visual effects does not guarantee a movie's success, but you get an idea of what type of movies audiences expect to see. This said; the demand for 3D animation companies has increased significantly.

Not Only Movies Are Recruiting 3D Design Services

Advertisements firms have also caught the visual effects bug, as they also hire a 3D company to make video animation containing visual effects. Although businesses do not add the same level of visual effects as movies, but add minimal amounts of visual effects.

Other Notable Examples of Media

The earliest example of a movie that used visual effects, CGI to be exact, is the 1973 movie called Westworld. In the sequel, they introduced 3D elements. The Japanese used the 3D technique in the movie called the Golgo 13 in 1983. However, it was until 1982 that people saw completely generated 3D scenes in the movie Tron in 1982.
In the movie making industry, visual effects have taken over the big screen. The art of using visual effect has moved on to the small screen as well. Moreover, large and small companies have begun to use visual effects technique readily, but not to the extent that movies use it. For anyone who does not think using visual effects makes an impact on sales, should look at the record-breaking movies.

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